Monday, March 10, 2008

better than life?

So I have been playing a lot less games the last couple weeks. The Reason? Well my son was kind enough to have his 3rd birthday which not only got my wife to stay home for a week, but brought in both grandmas and the great uncle. With all that babysitting I spent a LOT of time outdoors.

I spent several days surfing, it had been far to long. Had an okay day at Trestles, a pretty crap day at Strands, and then a stellar day at Salt Creek. So I did one more day at Salt Creek for good measure.

Then I did a track day on my motorcycle with my good buddy Rolf toting me and my bike around in his pickup. He probably won't ever read this, but what a great friend. Thanks man. Anyway, I am trying to upload the video to YouTube because I am too lazy to edit it again to make it small enough to fit in my limted google storage. I swear if you have a motorcycle do whatever it takes to ride it on a closed track. It's worth it.

So anyway with the exception of coming down with a nasty fever that kept leaving me hypothermic and shivering my ass off, all in all it was a good week. If you think video games are the best thing ever (and I think they are pretty close) you should still get out and taste the real world. Believe it or not some things are even better than games. Maybe a little more expensive, but definitely better.

Sweet, YouTube says my video is done:

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